In the aftermath of a flash flood that nearly toppled the nearby Rapidan Dam, Jack McGowan's History Farm, located at the confluence of the Le Sueur and Blue Earth rivers, faced rapidly rising waters.
Significant damage has raised concerns about the dam's structural integrity. The dam, located 12 miles southwest of Mankato, was nearly overtopped by the flooding waters, which carved a channel around its west side and left water gates clogged with debris. Jack McGowan's History Farm, located downriver, is a cherished living history site and an icon of Blue Earth County, and it has faced severe flooding.
The farm, renowned for its historical buildings and educational programs, found its fields and structures partially submerged in floodwaters. Nearly every elementary school student within a 60-mile radius has visited the farm in October for the annual History Fest over the past 30 years, making its preservation vital to the community. A fundraising event has been organized to support the recovery efforts at Jack McGowan's History Farm, rallying the community to support this valuable historical asset.
Jack, now 83 years old, managed to escape the rising water by diving out of the farm with his wife. The bold and determined Jack then waded back into the farm in an attempt to save his wife's car. Jack found himself stuck in mud and rapidly moving water, and a rescue team was dispatched. The team tossed Jack a frisbee attached to a rope and managed to save him from the unpredictable waters.
The Jack McGowan History Farm, unlike other history farms, was not funded through grant programs. Instead, all the buildings, exhibits, and activities were hand-built or moved by Jack and his family with a dawn-to-dusk work ethic and a level of know-how and do-it-yourself mentality that is seldom seen in this day and age. This makes it truly a remarkable site worth preserving.
Jack has provided this farm to us free of charge out of the goodness of his heart. We are asking for a $5 - $10 donation from everyone who attends the fest to help Jack recoup some of his costs from getting the farm ready for the event in the short amount of time since the flood. Your generosity will ensure that this beloved historical site can continue to educate and inspire future generations.